Lap Times 33930

1m 50s 1m 50s
Lap Time
Vehicle: ???
Driver: Esteban Guerrieri / Tristan Vautier / Ryan Briscoe
Lap Time: 1m 50s
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1m 47s 1m 47s
Lap Time
Vehicle: ???
Driver: Kévin Estre / André Lotterer / Laurens Vanthoor
Lap Time: 1m 47s
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8h 1m 36s 8h 1m 36s
Lap Time
Vehicle: ???
Driver: Dane Cameron / Michael Christensen / Frédéric Makowiecki
Lap Time: 8h 1m 36s
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8h 3m 1s 8h 3m 1s
Lap Time
Vehicle: ???
Driver: Antonio Fuoco / Miguel Molina / Nicklas Nielsen
Lap Time: 8h 3m 1s
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8h 2m 3s 8h 2m 3s
Lap Time
Vehicle: ???
Driver: Matthieu Vaxiviere / Julien Canal / Charles Milesi
Lap Time: 8h 2m 3s
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1m 48s 1m 48s
Lap Time
Vehicle: ???
Driver: António Félix da Costa / Will Stevens / Yifei Ye
Lap Time: 1m 48s
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1m 49s 1m 49s
Lap Time
Vehicle: ???
Driver: Loïc Duval / Gustavo Menezes / Nico Müller
Lap Time: 1m 49s
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1m 47s 1m 47s
Lap Time
Vehicle: ???
Driver: Alessandro Pier Guidi / James Calado / Antonio Giovinazzi
Lap Time: 1m 47s
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8h 1m 25s 8h 1m 25s
Lap Time
Vehicle: ???
Driver: Sébastien Buemi / Brendon Hartley / Ryo Hirakawa
Lap Time: 8h 1m 25s
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8h 1m 36s 8h 1m 36s
Lap Time
Vehicle: ???
Driver: Kévin Estre / André Lotterer / Laurens Vanthoor
Lap Time: 8h 1m 36s
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7h 22m 28s 7h 22m 28s
Lap Time
Vehicle: ???
Driver: Ryan Cullen / Matthias Kaiser / Gabriel Aubry
Lap Time: 7h 22m 28s
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8h 2m 56s 8h 2m 56s
Lap Time
Vehicle: ???
Driver: David Heinemeier Hansson / Pietro Fittipaldi / Oliver Rasmussen
Lap Time: 8h 2m 56s
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8h 2m 15s 8h 2m 15s
Lap Time
Vehicle: ???
Driver: Sean Gelael / Ferdinand Habsburg / Robin Frijns
Lap Time: 8h 2m 15s
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8h 2m 49s 8h 2m 49s
Lap Time
Vehicle: ???
Driver: Josh Pierson / Tom Blomqvist / Oliver Jarvis
Lap Time: 8h 2m 49s
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8h 1m 54s 8h 1m 54s
Lap Time
Vehicle: ???
Driver: Michael Wainwright / Riccardo Pera / Ben Barker
Lap Time: 8h 1m 54s
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7h 32m 12s 7h 32m 12s
Lap Time
Vehicle: ???
Driver: Ahmad Al Harthy / Michael Dinan / Charlie Eastwood
Lap Time: 7h 32m 12s
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8h 2m 8h 2m
Lap Time
Vehicle: ???
Driver: Loïc Duval / Gustavo Menezes / Nico Müller
Lap Time: 8h 2m
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8h 2m 12s 8h 2m 12s
Lap Time
Vehicle: ???
Driver: Mike Conway / Kamui Kobayashi / Jose Maria Lopez
Lap Time: 8h 2m 12s
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8h 3m 22s 8h 3m 22s
Lap Time
Vehicle: ???
Driver: Filip Ugran / Bent Viscaal / Juan Manuel Correa
Lap Time: 8h 3m 22s
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8h 3m 2s 8h 3m 2s
Lap Time
Vehicle: ???
Driver: António Félix da Costa / Will Stevens / Yifei Ye
Lap Time: 8h 3m 2s
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8h 1m 38s 8h 1m 38s
Lap Time
Vehicle: ???
Driver: Sarah Bovy / Michelle Gatting / Rahel Frey
Lap Time: 8h 1m 38s
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8h 1m 59s 8h 1m 59s
Lap Time
Vehicle: ???
Driver: Franck Dezoteux / Simon Mann / Kei Cozzolino
Lap Time: 8h 1m 59s
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8h 1m 29s 8h 1m 29s
Lap Time
Vehicle: ???
Driver: PJ Hyett / Gunnar Jeannette / Matteo Cairoli
Lap Time: 8h 1m 29s
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8h 3m 10s 8h 3m 10s
Lap Time
Vehicle: ???
Driver: Esteban Guerrieri / Tristan Vautier / Ryan Briscoe
Lap Time: 8h 3m 10s
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